Student COVID Self-Certification and Verification - Parent Resources
Below are instructions for parents/guardians on how to certify that their child(ren) is/are symptom free prior to arriving at school or at the bus stop.
Students Riding School Provided Transportation
Prior to being approved to board the bus, each rider must show the bus driver a completed Student COVID-19 Self-Certification and Verification Form. This form, along with video instructions, can be found below. Copies of this form will also be sent home with bus riders the first day of school on Thursday, August 20 and periodically after that. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian, not the student, caretaker or anyone else, certifying that their child received a daily symptom screening and is not currently experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. Unsigned forms will not be accepted. After the bus driver approves the rider to board the bus, the student will place the form in the appropriate container and go directly to their assigned seat. In the event that the student forgets the form, the bus driver will have copies available for the parent/guardian to complete at the bus stop up to the three times, but please do not rely on this option as it will slow the bus loading process. After three times of no parent/guardian signed form, the student will be required to move to remote learning.
Student COVID - Self Certification and Verification Form
Students Arriving to School Who Did Not Arrive on School Provided Transportation and Remote Learners
Students who walk to school, who drive to school, or who are dropped off at school, must be certified as symptom free by their parent/guardian in Skyward by 7:30 a.m. each morning. Below are video instruction on how to complete this certification process.