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Sports Live Streams

West Central CUSD #235 is proud to broadcast many West Central Heat activities LIVE on the NFHS Network.  That means if you or your family members cannot make it to the activity, the live action can be watched from anywhere on your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV.  Events in the high school gym, high school football field and high school baseball/softball fields are currently scheduled to air.  

By subscribing to the NFHS Network you get full access to all content on the Network for our school and any other broadcast nationwide. 

You can subscribe using the following steps:

  1. Go to NFHSnetwork.com
  2. Enter "West Central Heat" in the search box to find our school.
  3. Click "Follow" so you can stay up to date on all upcoming Spartan broadcasts.
  4. Click "Subscribe" for all subscription options for our school (annual or monthly subscriptions are available). 

Thank you for your continued support of West Central Heat activities!

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