World Read Aloud Day - 2018
February 13, 2018
Students got to relax in their pajamas while they listened to stories read aloud for World Read Aloud Day on Thursday, February 1st. Guest readers joined the students, sharing old favorites as well as new books. Our guest readers showed off their “read aloud” skills by shouting, whispering, and using their voice to express the emotions and activities of the book characters.
A big thank you to Mrs. Becky Hart, Mrs. Peg Ingles, and Mrs. Sue Campbell for returning to their former school to read to students. Mrs. Anita Smith and Mrs. Loreena Baker from Henderson County Library need a huge thanks, too for being guest readers. There were some wonderful WC staff who also volunteered to be guest readers: Mrs. Lafary, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Ackermann, Mrs. Ford, and Mrs. Neira. You are never too old for a read aloud for even WC staff liked hearing the stories.