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November 18 Announcments


Good Morning West Central High School, today is Monday, November 18th, 2019 and here are your morning announcements:

.Today's Lunch Menu is: BBQ Rib Patty w/bun, French Fries, Peas and Mandarin Oranges

Tomorrow’s Lunch Menu is: Maidrite, Peas and Mixed Fruit

School News:

Juniors, order forms for trash bags are due by Tuesday, November 19th by the end of the day. Please get them turned in if you want to get your orders taken care of.

Juniors interested in taking the SAT Prep class you need to sign up in the office before Wednesday if you are interested.  The class will begin in January 2020.

Northern Illinois University will be here Wednesday during RtI in the gym, please plan to meet with the representative then if interested

Students with volunteer hours should turn them into Mrs. Alexander for recording toward the service award.

Heat News:

Good Luck as our Lady Heat Basketball Team starts their season at the Cranberry Classic tonight in Oneida.

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