November 21 Announcements
Good Morning West Central High School, today is Thursday, November 21st, 2019 and here are your morning announcements:
Happy Birthday : Peyton Jack
School News:
Attention students, TODAY at 8:30 there will be a meeting for students interested in taking a CNA-Certified Nurse's Assistant course with SCC in the Cafeteria. Please come if interested.
Students with volunteer hours should turn them into Mrs. Alexander for recording toward the service award.
New “Fire Pit” shirts are on sale in the office, swing by and pick up an order form. Last day to purchase is Next Tuesday the 26th
Reminder that school is dismissed tomorrow at 11:30 and No School on Friday
Student council they need to have their Hat & Mitten Drive items here by Tuesday, November 26
Heat News:
Congratulations to our Lady Heat Basketball team on winning the Cranberry Tournament. Great game ladies!